About Me




Roberto Benoit, MPH is a Graphic Designer & Illustrator based in Linden, New Jersey. Berto spent most of his childhood filled with questions and a natural hunger for creativity. He especially loved the creative world of cartoons. To him, cartoons were an overexaggerated reflection of our modern society. They would depict real-world objects in fantastical ways but still kept the story grounded to be understood by the viewers. “It was an alternate reality. One similar, but completely different than our own. Most of the time, for the better. In cartoons dogs could talk, humans could fly, and evil was destroyed in a single punch. I’d often wonder, ‘what if that world were real and those things happened’. I’d often mimic scenarios, recreate stories, and draw whatever came to mind just to experience those possibilities.”

The older Roberto grew, the more he longed for these alternate realities; In College, his love for science, the discovery of his faith, and a passion for serving the marginalized fueled his desire to find ways of recreating the simple cartoon world he beloved.

Though our current world is much more complicated, Berto attempts to recreate a better and simpler reality through his art. “In the world of bertobe, people can literally ‘be’. The poor can be as valued as the rich, the marginalized & forgotten can be exalted, and the darkness can come to light.” His art begs the question, ‘What if that world were real and those things happened?’ Would it change the way we operate and view our current world today?

Berto continues his pursuit of creating a better world through his role as Public Health Advisor and Health Communicator. He also hosts a bi-weekly podcast, Berto Be Thinking, where he explores ideas on faith, health, and social justice. 

Season 2 | coming soon.

Season 2 | coming soon.

Think Things Through

In a world where critical thinking is a thing of the past, Berto Be Thinking looks to invoke thought and raise up new perspectives. With a passion for all things faith, health, and social justice, Berto and his guests dive deep into these topics and ideas bi-weekly; engaging the audience in difficult but necessary conversations.

Join us every other week as we “think things through”.