Born Again

The first sound we hear a man utter, on the day He is born is a cry! Separated from the comfort of a warm womb, the hospital blankets give a false illusion of security! Tethered to his mother, the umbilical cord was the only promise of nourishment, safety, and closeness He would ever feel. Attached by a cord, when it was snipped, he longed to be close , yet the cry was reminder that this world was not His home but the closeness of mama’s bosom would now suffice! I wonder, deep down , how many times did he compromise, did he know that his cry would continue to be ignored. Did He know that He would never find home, Did He know every opportunity He would get, He would long to be born again. Born a different color, Born a different race, born with a different voice, a different skin, a different make up ! Would he know that he would wrestle with this thing called flesh! Did He know that very things He hated he would continue to do! Did He know that in this life he would find tribulation ! Did He know that this life would be like a mist and would He fail to realize that all He ever wanted was to be made new! To live In a new world, have a new nature, a new circumstance, a new life!Who would save Him from this body of death !!! To live a life well lived, the Lord reminded Him, He had to be born again.


The Kingdom


Black History Month